The psychological rule states that if the internal situation is not realized, it turns into external events like fate.

Carl Gustav Jung

The psychological rule states that if the internal situation is not realized, it turns into external events like fate.

Carl Gustav Jung

How can I help you

Personal suffering, the desire to improve the quality of your life, as well as understand yourself are the motives for starting your therapy.
In the group
Use a factor of group dynamics to deal with emotional, personal and behavioral problems in the relationship with others.
In psychoanalysis
The place where you can freely talk about yourself, about everything and be heard without judgment.

Questions to the psychologist

Escape of the soul into the body...

Jean Baudriyard on the body cult in the society of consumption and the transformation of beauty into a commodity. Biohacking as an example of using the body as an investment item. The body is a model machine, technical metaphors for the body...

How to support yourself in times of war

By supporting ourselves, we can help ourselves significantly. It was psychological resilience or strength of spirit, hope, dreams, or planning for the future (such as seeing someone or doing or creating something) that helped concentration camp prisoners survive the hardships. This is evidenced by the stories of Victor Frankl. Here are 10 tips ...

How to overcome exhaustion and fatigue

"I feel very tired. It's even hard to just walk." "I am very helpless, I would like to do more and I do not have the strength. I feel guilty that I can do so little, others are fighting, volunteering, and I'm not so cool" ...